Psikoterapi Enstitüsü Bayramoğlu Şubesi
+90 262 653 6699

Kategori: Vancouver, Kanada – 2023

Three Therapists, One Group: A Case Study on Subjectivity in

Organizer: Sumeyye Nur Kulce In psychotherapy, subjectivity does not only apply to the client. In fact, there is growing attention to therapist effect on psychotherapy outcome (Lingiardi et al., 2017, Norcross, 2011) . It is possible to associate this change with the par- adigm shift in our perspective of knowledge. Concepts such as observer effect,…

A Journey from Objectivity to Subjectivity in the Context of Polyvagal Theory

Organizer: Esra Canpolat The contemporary psychotherapy approaches whose efforts are as jointly directed towards a better understanding of human’s thoughts, emotions, behavior and bodily reactions tend to integrate the various brain and nervous system studies into psychotherapy. One of these theoretical and clinical studies that have been carring out for the purpose of legitimating clinical…

Questionnaire Study – Comparison of the Effects of Single and Two-Person Therapies on Clients’ Experience

Ece Pinar Alparslan / Clinical Psychologist Psychotherapy Institute of Turkey Today, the understanding of psychotherapy is in a process of change from single-person therapies to two-person ther- apies in which the therapist and client interact. “In this sense, while the single- person therapies pioneered by Freud stand on one side in the context of the observer…

Comparison of Single-Person and Two-Person Therapies

Sena Anlar / Psychologist Psychotherapy Institute of Turkey Psychotherapy is the process of relieving, changing and transforming and restructuring the spiritual pain of the person since the beginning of humanity. The addresing of psychotherapy as a science begins with Freud. Working especially on neurosis cases, Freud aims at gaining insight and healing with techniques and interpretations…

Psychotherapy Theories and Heinz Kohut’s Mr. Z Case

Muyesser Anar / Psychological Counselor Psychotherapy Institute of Turkey In this study, it is aimed to have an overview of the change process of psychotherapy theories that started with Heinz Kohut. The concept of paradigm, which was used for the first time in Kuhn’s classic work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions in 1970, is a wide…

How Did Paradigm Shift Affect The Psychotherapy?

Moderator: Ece Pinar Alparslan In this study, the historical process of paradigm shifts in the transition from Newtonian physics to quantum physics, which is reflected in psychotherapy schools, is discussed in a theoretical context. The historical process in which sciences are affected by the paradigm shift, the theories of psychotherapy and the case of Mr. Z…

Historical Process of Paradigm Shift in Transition from Newtonian Physics to Quantum Physics

Deniz Sag / Social Worker Psychotherapy Institute of Turkey, “The human being, who has always been the subject of curiosity, is like a constantly changing cloud, and psychol- ogists are like people who see faces in the cloud.” Robert D. STOLOROW The scientific view of the 17th century is the geometer, the Platonic tradition, which accepts…

Examination by integrative psychotherapy of two novels were written by same author in two different periods of Turkish literature

Burak Sensoz, Psychologist, Moderator. Psychoterapy Institute, Turkey.          Literature has been continuously defined in different ways from past to present. The fact that literary works push and exceed the limits of these definitions in their own fields can be shown among the reasons for this situation (Menteşe, 2008) There is a definition that is generally…