Psikoterapi Enstitüsü Bayramoğlu Şubesi
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Integration Of Physical And Emotional Touch In Culturally-Sensitive Integrative Psychotherapies

Emrullah Kilic / PhDPsychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey This presentation addresses the practice of Aikido from the perspective of Integrative Psychotherapy with a view to touch-based works, the effects of individual and group works, and cultural dynamics. The method is literature review and case studies, supported by video recordings of Aikido practices. The interrelations between touching, individual…

Evaluation Of Adult Psychosomatic Fibromyalgia Caused By Early Childhood Traumas With Relational Therapies Combined With Emdr

Serife Can / Psychological Counselor Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey Each of us is born with a biological attachment system from birth, and this system allows us to connect with other people around us throughout life. Emotionally or physically when we feel threatened, we become anxious, upset, and the dynamics of our attachment system are activated. Our…

The Effect of Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy on Borderline Personality Disorder

Ibrahim Sari / MD Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey Time-limited dynamic psychotherapy (TLDP) is an integrative psychodynamic approach taking its roots from object relations and attachment theory and influenced by the self-psychology. Limited time and limited focus differentiate brief dynamic psychotherapy from longer-term psychotherapies. TLDP technique is applied for 20 sessions, each session for 50 minutes…

A Novel Aproach to Medical model and Psychosocial Model Uniting them by Developmental Neuroscience

Moderator: Selin Yurdakul In this panel first we are going to focus on different modalites of medical and psycosoical models and than we will try to unite them by recent discoveries of neuroscience field. Understanding how psycosocial factors can determine developing brain via epigenetic factors or other developmental milestones will help us better understand the interac-…

Art Psychotherapy: The Use of Expressive Techniques in Psychotherapy

Moderator: Aysun Aktas Ozkafaci There are a number of individual and group psychotherapy techniques for treatment of psyche. Classical school of psychoanalysis emphasize the pleasure and focus on the unconscious, which has a prominent role in human be- havior. While behavioral therapies emphasize the observable behavior of the individual, cognitive therapies focus on automatic thoughts and…

Influence of Culture and Language In Therapy

Moderator: Esra Canpolat A third language field in therapy room as an integrative field Esra Canpolat / Psychologist Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey Field theory as a psychological theory, which is rooted to Gestalt theories, examines patterns of interaction between the individual and the environment. The environment perceived by the person can be a field or the…

Unfinished work through dream analysis in emotion-focused therapy

Temucin Olcayto / MD Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey Betül Sezgin, Turkey, Psychotherapy Institute According to many researchers , dreams are controlled by one’s emotional state. The main control mechanism is the emotional state of the person. The most basic, first-line model of therapy that works on deep emotions is EFT. EFT is a therapy model that…

Acting Out: Examining The Experiences Of Adolescents Who Engage In Self-Harming Behavior In A Cultural Context

Ayse Ozata / Psychologist Psychotherapy Institute, Turkey Serim et al. (2009) defined self-harming behavior as ‘’Repetitive, intentional and intentional attempt made to one’s own family with animal tissue without the death wish of the individual group’’ (p.52). The act of self-harm is becom- ing more and more common in adolescents. It is predicted that self-harming behavior…

Mourning And Separation Individualization Processes Of Anatolian People In Historical Processes

Moderator: Ayse Erenler The mourning processes experienced after the loss is a universal and normal situation for humanity. It can include various emotions such as anger, unhappiness, guilt, regret, and longing. Individual may experience daily emotional ups and downs in their lives due to mourning. Although the mourning processes specified in terms of DSM and ICD…

The Investigation Of The Reasons For Substance Use And Family And Social Relationship Experiences Of Male Addicts Within The Framework Of Self Psychology

Fatumatu Zehra Ercan / Dr. Selcuk University, Turkey Introduction: Addiction tendency is an important health problem affected by biological, psychological, social and cultural factors and affecting the system in which the individual lives. The important determinants of the addiction problem are thought to be emotional regulation capacity, family relations, and social relations of the individual. The…