Psikoterapi Enstitüsü Bayramoğlu Şubesi
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Uluslarası Çalışmalarımız

The Golden Key to “The World of Emotions”: Language

Habibe Aykan, Psychotherapist, Psychotherapy Institute, Turkey When people experience something, they develop a narrative over it. During the process of making sense of and verbalize emotion experiences, a subjective narrative comes out. This subjective narrative is similar to the language. The words of this brand-new language represent more than their denotation (lexical meanings). The narratives…

The Effects of Turkey’s Socio-cultural Structures on Experiencing and Processing Emotions with Masterson Approach

Habibe Aykan Masterson’s psychological approach, highlights the role of the relationship with the primary caregiver in the development of self. Coining the terms false self and reel self. For reel self to develop, it is critical for the primary caregiver to understand and accept the emerging unique characteristics of the baby,and provide support for these…

Working with Attachment Injuries via Emotion Focused Therapy: A Case Presentation-Mrs. R. Case

Habibe Aykan, 2020 Emotion Focused Therapy is based on awareness, acceptence, expression, utilization, regulation and transformation of emotion. Goals of the therapy are empowering the self, regulation of emotions and creating new meanings. The basic motivation of human being is making bond with others. A safe relation of the person with himself/herself and with the…

Trauma Work in Emotion Focused Therapy

Habibe Aykan, Psychotherapy Institute, Turkey, Trauma is the result of overexposure of emotional experience that is too much for a person to integrate the emotions of the person’s experience or that is too much to deal with it. Exposure to an overwhelming amount of emotional experience, in other words, exposure to trauma, causes some…

Toward Common Ground in Psychotherapy: “The Therapeutic Alliance”

Habibe Aykan 1, Psikoterapi Enstitüsü, TurkeyElif Baybuğa 2, Psikoterapi Enstitüsü, TurkeyEsra Canpolat 3, Uskudar University, Clinical Psychology, Master Student Developing a good relationship with the client on a collaborative basis is important for all psychotherapy approaches. Studies on therapeutic factors in psychotherapy show that therapeutic alliance is an important predictor. The therapeutic alliance involves the improvement of trust,…

Assessment of the Therapeutic Alliance within the Framework of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approaches

Esra Canpolat*, Uskudar University, Clinical Psychology, Master Student, The therapeutic alliance is a special bond established between the therapist and the client, based on the principle of partnership and cooperation. In the literature, it is reported that the strongest variable predicting the effectiveness of psychotherapy is the therapeutic alliance. The concept of therapeutic alliance,…

A Case Report: The Use of CBT Techniques in Panic Attacks and Dissociative Experiences Occurring After the First Use of Marijuana

Esra Canpolat, Psychologist, Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey Abstract Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the world. In Turkey, the lifetime prevalence of cannabis use in the general population, between the ages of 15 and 64, is estimated to be 2.7%. There is some evidence in the literature to support that heavy and…

Art Psychotherapy Applications and Techniques Using Marbling Art

Aysun Aktas Ozkafaci The power of art therapy is that it provides the patient with the opportunity to communicate in art in a symbolic and metaphorical way, as well as giving shape to the fantasies, images, feelings, and experiences for which there is no word. In the literature, it was seen that art branches such…

Expressive Techniques in Art Psychotherapy: Personality Patterns and Psychotherapy Applications Using Marbling Art in Symptomatology

Aysun Aktas Ozkafaci In psychotherapy studies with personality patterns, many different approaches to individual and group therapy are used. Likewise, psycho-social treatments, supportive psychotherapies, individual and group psychotherapies, and creative art therapies are commonly used methods in the treatment and rehabilitation of mental disorders. Art therapy, which is one of these methods, is a treatment…

The Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration Conference

Moderator & I. Presenter: Fatma TERZİ II. Presenter: Kübra ELTUTAR Discussant: Tahir ÖZAKKAŞ, M.D., Ph.D./ Kocaeli, TURKEY Email: Self Development Depending on Turkish Culture and Its Reflections on Psychotherapy Fatma Terzi. İstanbul, TURKEY. The aim of this study is to present the results of research examining the self within the framework of family and culture and to discuss…