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SEPI Türkiye Bölgesel Ağı E-Bülten’i Aralık 2024 sayısı yayında! Okumak için tıklayınız! SEPI Türkiye Bölgesel Ağı E-Bülten’i Eylül 2024 sayısı yayında! Okumak için tıklayınız!

Developing Emotion Regulation With Integrated Psychotherapy Approach: A Case Study     

Assist. Prof. F. Zehra ERCAN [1]                                        MD. PhD. Tahir ÖZAKKAŞ[2] The ways in which psychotherapy approaches deal with people have evolved toward a more unified approach over time. This unified trend has three phases. The first is theoretical integration, which means unifying theories. The second is the practicing of technics which is accepting the effect of different…

Emotions, Body And Psychotherapy

Moderator: Yasar Kubilay Taner Psikoterapi Enstitüsü, Turkey In this panel emotions will be investigated from different approaches related with the body. Firstly, it will be discussed from the neurobiological approach. Then, emotional defence process in body psychotherapy will be mentioned. While different complementary models are addressed emotional regulation methods, especially focusing of Gendlin will…

Cultural Factors in the Processing and Expression of Emotions

1. presenter: Habibe Aykan Psychotherapy Institute-Turkey 2. presenter: İsa Soylamış Psychotherapy Institute-Turkey 3. presenter: Tahir Ozakkas Psychotherapy Institute-Turkey 4. presenter:   Nurcan Ayday Psychotherapy Institute-Turkey In this panel, it will be discussed whether there are some cultural characteristics as a result of applying the same interventions and techniques in different cultures, regardless of the geography and culture…

An Interheoretical Perspective on Shame and Guilt in Attachment

Tuba Dursun Tuncel  ABSTRACT Shame is usually initially felt as general discomfort in the body. Then a feeling as if butterflies are flying intensifies in the abdomen in the form of tenderness and tension (Anxiety). The client, who focuses on her/his body, feels the shame rising in his chest; she/he feels constricted and strained (fear).…

What is the Processing and Expression of Emotions in the Session and Communication?

Moderator: Tahir Ozakkas Psikoterapi Enstitüsü Turkey 1. presenter: Ayşe Devrim BURÇAK (Ph.D) Psychotherapy Institute-Turkey 2. presenter: Derya Şentürk Psychotherapy Institute-Turkey 3. presenter: Tuba Dursun Tuncel Psychotherapy Institute-Turkey 4. presenter: Nazan Parlak Psychotherapy Institute-Turkey This panel discusses studies on emotion applied by different theoretical approaches with their clients during the session. It basically examines four basic theories: the…

Working Emotions with Different Theories on Cases in Psychotherapy

Moderator: Tuba DURSUN TUNCEL –  Phd Student in Clinical Psychology – Istanbul / TURKEY – Psikoterapi Enstitüsü       First Participant Issue: Working transferance and countertransference In Kernberg’s transference-focused therapy (Tuba Dursun Tuncel)  Abstract Clinical studies show that the majority of clients are individuals with a diagnoses of personality disorder. Transference refers to the later revival of the…

Identity Theory of Erikson in Turkey

Tuba Dursun Tuncel  According to Erikson personal development stages consist of certain terms. This 9-term development stage include harmony, crisis and conflict.      These terms are, trust-mistrust, autonomy-shame, initiative-guilt, industriousness-inferiority, identity cohesion-role confusion,intimacy-isolation, generativity-stagnarion, ego integrity-despair and transcendence.     In the Identity cohesion-role confusion term, individuals between the ages of 12 and 20 try to answer the…

Cultural Expressions Used in the Integrated Psychotherapy Approach: The Sample of Turkish Culture

Asst.Prof. Bahtiyar ERASLAN ÇAPAN   Ph.D. MD. Tahir ÖZAKKAŞ From the beginning of the history of psychology to the present day, many theories have been developed to understand human beings, conceptualize and improve their problems. Among these theories, which are quite numerous today, there has been a transition to holistic psychotherapies due to the movement of…

The Concept of Therapeutic Alliance in Emotion-Focused Therapy

Habibe Aykan*Psikoterapi Enstitüsü, Turkey In this study, the conceptualization and applications of the concept of therapeutic alliance according to the emotion-focused therapy approach, which is based on the exchange of emotion with emotion, will be included. With the literature review method, the concept of therapeutic alliance in emotion- focused therapy approach will be examined and…