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Art Psychotherapy: The Use of Expressive Techniques in Psychotherapy

Art Psychotherapy: The Use of Expressive Techniques in Psychotherapy

Moderator: Aysun Aktas Ozkafaci

There are a number of individual and group psychotherapy techniques for treatment of psyche. Classical school of psychoanalysis emphasize the pleasure and focus on the unconscious, which has a prominent role in human be- havior. While behavioral therapies emphasize the observable behavior of the individual, cognitive therapies focus on automatic thoughts and basic assumptions. Art psychotherapy is a method using art as a means of self-expression in many visual, auditory and tactile ways. Creativity can be seen as a transformation from image to symbol and verbal expression. Art psychotherapy, in addition to providing the client with the opportunity to communicate in a symbolic and metaphorical way within a playground, enables one to visibly symbolize to fantasies, images, feelings and expe- riences (Winnicott, 1971; Simon, 1997; Malchiodi, 2005; Eren , et al., 2014). Inner material is symbolized by getting a concrete form in various artistic ways such as painting, poetry, photography, music, and dance. The creative process helps to bridge internal and external reality, non-verbal and verbal expression. The image in the right brain is symbol- ized through the left brain and transformed into verbal expression. In short, the process of art psychotherapy based on the reflection of inner experiences through the art product by using artistic materials, making sense of those non-verbal inner material within the psychotherapy relationship, and then re-internalization of what is transformed. The method of the study is a review of the psychotherapy literature in the context of the restorative function of art psychotherapies and the case experiences of the panelists.

Keywords: Creativity, Expressive Art, Art Psychotherapy


  1. Eren, N., Ogünç, N. E., Keser, V., Bıkmaz, S., Sahin, D., & Saydam, B. (2014). Psychosocial symptomatic and diag- nostic changes with long term psychodynamic art psychotherapy for personality disorders. The Arts in Psycho- therapy, 41, 375–385.
  2. Malchiodi, C. A. (2005). Expressive Therapies History, Theory, and Practice. In. C.A. Malchiodi (Ed.), Expressive Therapies (pp.1-15). Newyork: Guilford press.
  3. Simon, R. M. (1997). Symbolic Images in Art As Psychotherapy. London: Routledge.
  4. Winnicot, D. (1971). Playing and Reality. New York: Basic Books

Expressive Techniques in Group Art Psychotherapy: Applications and Techniques of Group Art Psychotherapy with Marbling Art with Individuals Diagnosed with Schizophrenia

Aysun Aktas Ozkafaci / Psychologist Psychotherapy Institute of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey

Schizophrenia is associated with psychosocial and functional impairment, has a great impact on individual and so- ciety, impairs social functional, lasts a lifetime, and causes disability (Owen, Sava &Mortensen,2016); It is a psycho- logical disease that includes a series of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional dysfunctions and causes impairment in occupation and social functioning (Villa & Pai, 2013). Medication is the most prevalent method in the treatment of schizophrenia (Schooler, 2006). The World Health Organization (2019) defines and offers that program of art psy- chotherapy treatment to individual with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Since the development of art therapy and the beginning of clinical practices, research on the activity of art therapy in the treatment of schizophrenia over the last decade has led to the inclusion of art therapy as a recommended treatment option in some national treatment guidelines (Gajic,2013). Art therapy is a treatment and method of psychotherapy that is applied by making art and using art as a tool of self-expression in many visual, auditory, and tactile ways. It is seen that many sub-branches of art are used for psychotherapy goals in literature. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate and share the experience of group art psychotherapy using marbling art performed with different groups consisting of individuals with the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Marbling art is a traditional Turkish art form in which marbling paints are sprinkled on the surface of specially prepared water in a marbling boat and then transferred to paper. In the literature, there are many group art psychotherapy studies that different art disciplines are used with individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia. This study will demonstrate that marbling art, which includes the subjectivity of Anatolian geography and culture, uses and applies techniques in group art psychotherapy, verbal sharing of the clients who attended the sessions, the observations of the therapist, and the quantitative results of very few studies.

Keywords: Group Art Psychotherapy, Marbling Art, Schizophrenia

Use of Expressive Art Techniques and Genogram When Working with Adolescents and Children in Psychotherapy

Kubra Tayhan Arikel / Psychological Councelor Psychotherapy Institute of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey

A genogram is a family map used to understand relationships and family dynamics within the family. With this work- ing method, the client and the system that the client is in are recognized in a shorter amount of time.

The nuclear families of the clients were also included in the study with the clients’ permission. In this way, it was discovered that by observing and understanding the subjectivity of every family member, there was a chance to deal with the system rather than the individual.It has been examined whether the relationships within the system are consistent or not.

Including family members in the study also contributed to the regulation of the client’s environmental conditions and to increasing the family’s awareness. In this context, the study affects the system and enables faster progress.

In this study, the family system of six clients was examined. A qualitative research method was used. The duration of the genogram studies was determined as two sessions, and the interviews were completed in ninety minutes. The age range of the clients is limited to 10–18 years.

While making the application, cardboard, colored pencils, and figures were used as tools. Each family member was asked to choose a color for themselves. Their circles were drawn on the cardboard with the selected colors. They were asked to choose figures that represented themselves in those circles.

In the second stage of the application, circles with colors representing other family members were drawn behind each individual’s circle, and they were asked to choose figures for other family members in these circles.

Finally, the clients were asked to choose figures representing their relationship with each family member. The thera- pist, who observed until this stage, interpreted the map through the selected figures after this stage was completed and made confrontations in the necessary parts.

Keywords: Expressive Art Therapy, Genogram, Psychotherapy Gains

1) They will participate in this panel; they will see how the genogram can help them understand the client’s family dynamics in less time.

2) They will participate in this panel; they will see that by raising awareness with the genogram, the family system can be affected, and positive effects can be provided to the client’s environmental factors.

3) They will participate in this panel; in the family study with the genogram, they will see that resistance and denial can be prevented as much as possible due to the reflection of the unconscious on concrete figures.

Retrospective Analysis of Intersubjective Interpretation in Group Therapies by Evaluating the Painting Technique with the Feedback of the Group Members

Tahir Ozakkas / MD. PhD.
Psychotherapy Institute of Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey &

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