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Questionnaire Study – Comparison of the Effects of Single and Two-Person Therapies on Clients’ Experience

Questionnaire Study – Comparison of the Effects of Single and Two-Person Therapies on Clients’ Experience

Ece Pinar Alparslan / Clinical Psychologist Psychotherapy Institute of Turkey

Today, the understanding of psychotherapy is in a process of change from single-person therapies to two-person ther- apies in which the therapist and client interact. “In this sense, while the single- person therapies pioneered by Freud stand on one side in the context of the observer and the observed” (Özakkaş, 2018), on the other hand, two-person (relational, intersubjective) psychotherapy, one of the new theoretical studies that emerged in the change process, is the most effective remedial therapy for the client. He says that the feature is the relationship established between the therapist and the client (Pulat, 2019). In this part of our study, a scale will be prepared and applied in order to understand the effectiveness of mechanical and relational therapies on the client, and the results will be evaluated comparatively. To develop a valid questionnaire, the research problem must be well defined and the objectives of the research as precise, well-formed, and clearly understood as possible (American Statistical Association [ASA], 1997). The main variable to be examined in the study was determined as therapy forms.

The questionnaire is structured to include general data collection about the following information of the participants;

  • demographicinformation,
  • knowledge levels,
  • attitudesandopinions,
  • behaviors,The study will include people who are still in the therapy process and people who have previous therapy experience but have not received any therapy support at the moment. In the evaluation phase, ranking questions, grading questions and open-closed questions were included in a way that would not create relativity. The questionnaire form was pre- tested with a sample group, and the criticisms and opinions of those who participated in the pretest about the ques- tionnaire and the questions were received. The answers to the following questions were sought before the application:• Can each question measure the parameter it needs to measure? • Are all the words used clear?
    • Can all participants understand the questions in the same way? • Is there any guidance on questions?According to these answers, the questionnaire questions were prepared and the evaluation phase of the question- naire was started.Keywords: Single-Person Therapy, Two-Person Therapy, Relational Therapy, Mechanical Therapies.

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