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Identity Theory of Erikson in Turkey

Identity Theory of Erikson in Turkey

Tuba Dursun Tuncel 

According to Erikson personal development stages consist of certain terms. This 9-term development stage include harmony, crisis and conflict.

     These terms are, trust-mistrust, autonomy-shame, initiative-guilt, industriousness-inferiority, identity cohesion-role confusion,intimacy-isolation, generativity-stagnarion, ego integrity-despair and transcendence.

    In the Identity cohesion-role confusion term, individuals between the ages of 12 and 20 try to answer the question “who am I?” and find themselves in a search of an identity. People who Succeed in this term gain a distinctive  positive identity and a positive self perception.

   According to Erikson teenagers which experience identity crisis choose to have unapproved identity types by their parents and the society.

   An individual with a reverse identity, adopts socially unapproved roles and ideals to overcome an unwanted situation.

   Reverse identity over ego psychology and it’s assesment in Turkish society will take place in this panel.

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