Moving Language from Mother-Baby Duo Fıeld (Context) to Intergroup Field in Case of Transformation from Image to Symbol (Culture)

Zeynep Bayram, MA Psychotherapy Institute / Turkey
The imaginary structure of the language develops nonverbally in the first two years. The human’s system of under- standing and comprehending each other is fully realized within the first two years of the imaginary structure that takes place in the context of the mother-baby duo, in which the connections of the brain from the right brain to the right brain are formed.
The symbolic structure, on the other hand, develops verbally after the age of two, with the activation of the left brain. It is a transitional state in which the symbolic meaning of the concept is framed.
It is tried to understand the structuring of a process in which the meaning is conceptualized with the formation of a more common area, with the transformation of language from image to symbol, the relationship between mother and baby, and the formation of a more common area, by framing it from the subjectivity of the dual field by symbol- izing it .
Keywords : language, image, symbol