Psikoterapi Enstitüsü Bayramoğlu Şubesi
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Context and Culture

Context and Culture

Organizer: Deniz Sag

Perceiving Cultural Distance With Synchronicity In Therapy

Deniz Sag / Social Worker Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey

“Farawayness is spiritually changeable, it can be reduced to zero point with a spiritual condition in some situations.”

Throughout history, human beings have tried to explain the phenomena that contain uncertainties for themselves by applying from different perspectives. This situation has led to a similar process in terms of psychology theories trying to understand the individual, and different psychotherapy approaches have emerged. In this regard, one of the important points reached in terms of psychotherapy theories has been the theory of intersubjectivity, which claims that every therapeutic interaction has very deep dynamics in its content and that each one should be handled with- in itself. This theoretical plane drew attention to the fact that trying to understand man and his interaction within certain theoretical definitions and frameworks can be limiting and sometimes misleading. At this point, therapeutic interventions in which intuitions are also included in the process as well as an effective sympathy synchronized with the client; It was concluded that therapists are the most effective methods that can be applied during the psycho- therapy session ( Akçakaya Ü., 2022 ).

The subject of this study will be the final point reached by science today and intersubjectivity in psychotherapy in terms of this point and Carl Gustav Jung’s views in this regard due to this studies.

Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger were awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for their work that laid the foundation for a new era in quantum technology by the name of the study Violation of Bell’s Inequalities which studies the relationship between entangled photons.

At the same time the aim of the study will be to question the logical predictions about the probabilistic nature of the experiment and it’s results, with a quantitative approach, including field theory.

Keywords: Synchronicity, Carl G. Jung, Intersubjectivity, Probabilistic System, Entanglement.

Subjectivity, Context and Capture by the Role

Omer Eminoglu / Psychological Counselor Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey

In this paper, we will discuss the art as the embodiment of human mind, the actor as the creative expressive subject of acting that embodies the subjectivity of human-being in the movies, theatre plays and TV series and the relationship between the actor and the role. The actors acting in movies, theatre plays and TV series may be accepted, loved and perceived as a kind of hero and they may also be disdained and perceived as some kind of traitor by the people, which may have some effects on the actors. As it is witnessed, some actors acting out the characters that are disdained and declared as traitors or accepted and loved cannot separate their role identities (personas) from their true identities, experience their own selves as the characters in the role and thus do away with their true identities. This permanent role may cause a traumatic life and repeated traumas for some actors. The actors who have built their own true selves, accessed their mature capacity and had strong adaptation skills may successfully shift between the roles. They walk into the role, they approach the character empathetically and even sympathetically in accordance with the director’s wish and identify with the character, color the play with the sensuality it demands and return to their own identities when the play ends. However, some actors cannot break the character they act out since they have a weak organiza- tion of self and too porous boundaries. Throughout this study, we will dwell on what to do in the therapeutic process for those actors who cannot protect their own boundaries, stay in their own subjectivity and return to their own selves as they are under the influence of the role and so sensitive to the context where they act.

Keywords: cinema, subjectivity, psychotherapy, capture by the role, context, acting, theatre, inability to break the character

As An Integrative Model; Attack Therapy

Hacer Ulasan / Psychological Counselor Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey

Developed by Tahir Özakkaş, Attack Therapy is an integrative model arising from the needs of the client in the context of local culture. It offers an alternative, functional roadmap to the experts for customers who want to get results in a short time. Sees the main sources of current symptoms. He becomes aware of his traumas and discovers solutions. AttackTherapy; It shows a relative development in which the developments in the field are constantly included in the process. In this process, a large-scale formulation of the client is carried out. This formula; DSM criteria are evaluated in terms of behavioral and cognitive elements, Impulse conflict theory, Psycho-sexual development, Ego psychology, Psychosocial development, Transactional analysis, Ego states and Object relations, Self psychology, Psychoanalyt- ic-Masterson theory, Existential theory.

With the psycho-education shaped according to the needs, the client determines the treatment strategies himself in the company of a specialist. In this way, a strong therapeutic bond is established. With this strong bond, the client goes arm in arm with the specialist and attacks the problem area. This process takes place in 8 stages.

In this study; The effectiveness of Attack therapy is discussed in terms of its contribution to different clients; their own subjectivity within the group they grew up in. This model is important in terms of adapting to every culture as it is developed by integrating global theories as well as being developed within the subjectivity of local culture.

Evaluation of the group process experiences of women who participated in the bibliotherapy group therapy process of the book Women Running with the Wolves in the context of individual and group subjectivity

Seyma Demirtas / Psychological Counselor Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey

Bibliotherapy aims to help individuals get to know themselves better in the process of understanding and solving their problems or problems. The curative psychological help functions established between the book and the client help the client to explore the development process more easily. That’s why we prefer books in the field of group thera- py. Clients take the heroes in the books as an example to themselves. Thus, he gains insight. He interprets the hero’s behavior in his own way and takes action.

Bibliotherapy can be done for different purposes depending on the quality of the selected book and the group creat- ed. In this bibliotherapy group therapy, which was created with the participation of only women, it was observed that the following items were experienced and worked. During the bibliotherapy group therapy process, it is observed that the following items affect the well-being of the clients.

  • Self-knowledge and discovery
  • Recognizing that there are people who have problems similar to their own
  • Awareness of the environment and inner perception
  • Developingapositivesenseofself
  • Raisingawarenessofthevaluesofthesocietyinwhichwelive
  • Adapting to different and new situations
  • Developing adaptation skillsThe Bibliotherapy group discussed in this presentation is organized around the book “Women Running with Wolves”, which consists of 15 psychoanalytic stories written by psychoanalyst Clarissa P. Estes to help women understand their unconscious processes and developmental stages. In each chapter of the book, a story is told first and then the meanings of the story and the symbols in the story are explained.Psychological resilience, originality and hope scales will be applied to the clients participating in the group therapy process, and their experiences will be evaluated in the context of individuality, group experience and subjectivity.Keywords: Group Therapy, Bibliotherapy, Women, Resilience, Authenticity

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