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A Retrospective Evaluation of Weekly Group Therapy Video Recordings After 30 Years in Terms of Subject, Context and Culture

A Retrospective Evaluation of Weekly Group Therapy Video Recordings After 30 Years in Terms of Subject, Context and Culture

Organizer: S. Ahsen Ozakkas

Group therapies have a unique place among therapy interventions. When we look at the development lines of the theories and the individual stories of the theorists, we see that the theoretical approach and intervention first started in the field of individual therapy. With the acceptance of theory and practice, the forms of theory and practice are di- versifying and developing.The theory generally consists of intervention techniques, from individual to couple therapy, then family therapy, and finally group therapy. Almost every theory has a specific form of group therapy intervention that was later developed. In the classical analytic approach, while the traces of oedipal conflict are followed more in group therapies, the focus of the psychoanalytic psychotherapies arising from the classical analytic approach is changing.

While the revived object relations of the group members are centered in an object relations-centered group therapy, the focus in the Masterson approach, which integrates the object relations perspective with the separation and in- dividuation processes, is the developmental pause of the group members in terms of separation and individuation.

While ego psychologists emphasize the adaptive properties of the ego, self psychology focuses on the lack of sel- fobject function. While relational psychoanalysis focuses on rupture and repair activities in the relationship, group therapists who adopt the system approach have focused on examining what is happening in the field.

In this study, a retrospective evaluation of a group therapist’s 30-year open-ended group therapy study in a private outpatient clinic will be discussed. While the therapist’s client portfolio transforms from rural to urban, there is a wide range in terms of client diversity. Within the 30-year development process, the individual subjectivity of the group therapist and the subjectivity of the clients in the groups will be compared in terms of context sensitivity and culture.

In the course of 30 years of group therapy experience, it will be revealed that change is inevitable, what the parame- ters of change are and their causality.

Keywords: group therapy, subjectivity, context, culture, video recording, zeitgeist

Evaluation of the clients participating in the group therapy process in terms of subjectivity, context and culture during the transition from the traditional community to the modern community area of the therapist in 30 years of open-ended group

S. Ahsen Ozakkas / MD
Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey

Evaluation of the same therapist, who carried out group therapy processes under the influence of changing time, in terms of subjectivity, context and culture, in the transition of the therapist from the traditional community to the modern community in 30 years of open-ended group therapy.

Evaluation of the same therapist, who carried out group therapy processes under the influence of changing time, in terms of subjectivity, context and culture, in the transition of the therapist from the traditional community to the modern community in 30 years of open-ended group therapy.

G. Reyhan Ozakkas / MD Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey

Evaluation of group therapy processes in terms of subjectivity, context and culture in relation to scientific paradigm shifts in the world under the influence of changing time in 30 years of open- ended group therapy

Fatma Akkurt / MD
Psychotherapy Institute, Istanbul, Turkey

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