Examination of the subjective approaches of three integrative psychotherapists to the same client

Burak Sensoz, Psychologist, Moderator. Psychoterapy Institute, Turkey.
Subjective is the appraisal of a judgment based on the individual. Estimated valuation is varies from person and different for everyone. Psychotherapy is a formal interaction process between two parties. In psychotherapy, there is a relationship between client and psychotherapist within scope of the psychotherapist approaches. Most psychotherapists include themselves in the integrative approaches each year, many publications are produced explicitly aim at integrating different therapies. Nowadays, the current point is integration of psychotherapies that evolved from one-person therapies to two-person therapies, system therapies, and chaos theories, on the basis of subjectivity and contextualism. (Özakkaş, 2018) When psychotherapists receiving integrative psychotherapy education are analyzed, in terms of the methods and techniques used they are all different from each other. The reason for this difference, the psychotherapist’s relationship with the client during the session and there are possibilities that the therapists may have their own characteristics and past life. Three integrative psychotherapists treating the same client to apply different theories and paths is the subjectivity of psychotherapy as common factors of psychotherapies.
Advantages of this panel for attendees:
- Attendees can observe the formulation of different theories on clients.
- Attendees can observe the client observation of three integrative psychotherapists.
- Attendees can evaluate subjectivity in different contexts such as therapist, therapist-client, client, attendees.
Aysenur Ak, Psychological Counselor. Psychoterapy Institute, Turkey.
In this summary, as one of three integrative psychotherapists, I will evaluate a psychotherapy session conducted by a psychiatrist in my own subjectivity. The client is a twenty-five-year-old male university student. Client; as it can be understood from his story, is a person who leaves many things unfinished and cannot get any pleasure or satisfaction from life. During the therapy, the therapist talks more and makes many explanations for the client. The client shows an adaptive behavior during the session, as in his whole life. He defines the purpose of coming to therapy as healing in one word.
I had an impression that the client is sitting spread out as if he has given up on everything, and tattoos on many parts of his body stand out. The therapist, who feels the client’s search for acceptance and close relationship, sometimes mirrors the client during the session and displays a Kohutian approach. The client reflects the pain he experiences via intense substance use and suicidal thougths. A therapeutic alliance can be achieved by establishing a relationship in which the client is accepted unconditionally and feels important. Thus, the newly experienced secure relationship model will make it easier for the client to think about himself and take responsibility for his life.
In the presentation, the diagnosis and treatment of this client, together with my subjective evaluation were included. I will comparatively present the therapy model formed in my mind and the model used by the therapist performing the therapy session.
Ibrahim Cengiz, Clinical Psychologist. Psychoterapy Institute, Turkey.
The session began asking the patient his name by the therapist psychiatrist in a convenient chamber in personal with the patient being seated on the left of the therapist at a 90 defree on a table for a therapy session. The patient is a 25-year-old university student who in situation making things procrastinating in a halfway or incomplete.He also works as a tattoo artist The patient is smoker and drug user.The patient states that he applied to therapy by willing to be healed. The patient has tattoos on his body symbolizing the people with whom he had close relationships in his life and the memories he experienced with them.The patient clearly demonstrates his impulsive nature by using drugs and getting tattoos on his body.However, besides his sociopath image, he has a critical superego and a poor ego.He constantly tries to expose himself and being in porpose of getting approval from others.The therapist asked questions, clarified and gave feedback to be familiarised with the patient closely during the session. However, the therapist could not provide strong countertransference betweenwhiles and he expressed he got angry.As an observer Psychotherapist, I felt taking responsibility of healing the patient due to his lack of help and desperate image. As a integrative psychotherapist, the methods and techniques of this patient’s process will be formulated in accordance with his needs.Also, in my presentation, as one of the three integrative psychotherapists, I will discuss and detail this patient from my perspective with own subjectivity.
Guner Karacasu, Clinical Psychologist. Psychoterapy Institute, Turkey.
In this summary, I will evaluate the client as one of three integrative therapists.
The therapist approached the client with a conversational style that was attuned to his young age. This approach provided relief to the client.
The client is 25 years old, student of Art Teaching department. He does tattoos. He smokes and uses drugs. In general, he is relaxed, honest, natural and polite. When the client was asked to express the reason for his visit in one word, he defined it as healing.
The client has a comfortable appearance with his sitting and behavior in the session room. He tenses when confronted, but accepts the confrontation. He accepts the therapist as the authority and can harmonize by saying “if you say so”. His sincere expression made me want to solve his problem. According to my observation, I think that the approach with self psychology is appropriate, since he needs mirroring. Ego support and empowerment, socratic questioning, self-confrontation and awareness, goal-target setting, productivity directing processes can be applied. Due to the depression feeling of the client, I think that the reality ego can be structured instead of the pleasure ego by using the Masterson method. Existential approach can be used because of suicidal ideation.
In my presentation, I plan to make a detailed presentation of the diagnosis and treatment in my own subjectivity, together with the evaluation of this client.
Burak Sensoz, Psychologist. Psychoterapy Institute, Turkey.
When we read the summarize of the client from the perspective of the three integrative psychotherapists, there are similarities and differences in the perspective of the client. In this case, whose first session examined, the psychotherapists examined the formulation and treatment in their own subjectivity when we can see, we will find the opportunity to evaluate it on our own subjectivity from the perspective of an outside debater and spectator. We will combine all of them together at spot in our subjectivity for differantiate or compare, a discussant presentation will take place for find commonalities in the theories and techniques used by psychotherapists. While three psychotherapists can not be found in the common spot, while evaluating the client from the perspective whatever theory and techniques used of integrative psychotherapy, the healing effect of all these techniques and theories has been discussed and evaluated for years. Different therapists evulation of the same client, the explanation of different theories what makes therapy so volatile and subjectivity. When we examine this subjectivity, it consist of three parts: the subjectivity of the psychotherapist, the subjectivity of the client and the subjectivity of the psychotherapists-client. In this part of the presentation, a common ground will be presented by examining and discussing the common points of all these theories, techniques, the subjectivity of therapists, the subjectivity of the client and the subjectivities of the therapist-client bond.